Saturday, April 22, 2017

A Touch of Moonlight

I have gotten to a point in my writing where you question whether you should keep writing because it is relaxing and makes you happy. Some days for me it is depressing, I have people in my life that I guess it makes them feel good to say hey your wasting your time and laughing in my face because I have sold over a million books and my first five books haven't been made into movies. I am not going to apologies for having dreams, I come from poor people, my hometown is stuck in the 50's, you don't move to leave as fast as you can. A Touch of Moonlight is an anthology, a group of short stories because after putting so much time and effort into Lucas, Lucas 2, Dark Strangers, I am a little burned out and start working on anthologies. You have to understand I have like 50 stories right now on my computer in various stages of needing to be finished.
I know my book over is lame, yes, I painted it. But after someone told me it would cost 700 dollars for a book cover artist, I told them I have paints and crayons and can do it myself.

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